Minnesota-Wisconsin International/Macro
Student Workshop: Spring 2024

Friday, April 26

Conference location: 8417 Sewell Social Sciences

Time Event
12:30-1:30 Networking lunch in 8417 Sewell Social Sciences
1:30-2:30 Julio Mereb (UW)
Foreign Currency Debt, Financial Frictions, and the Exchange Rate Pass-through
2:45-3:45 Gabriel Devoto (UMN)
Thin Financial Markets and Informality in High Inflation Economies
4:00-5:00 Philip Coyle (UW)
Debt Repayment Schedules and Firm Dynamics
6:00-7:30 Networking reception
7:30 Conference dinner

Saturday, April 27

Conference location: 8417 Sewell Social Sciences

Time Event
8:00-8:20 Coffee and pastries
8:20-9:20 Juliana Gamboa Albelaez (UMN)
On the Changing Relationship between Net Public Foreign Assets and Growth
9:40-10:40 Duong Dang (UW)
Demographic Shift, Consumer Capital, and Productivity Dispersion
11:00-12:00 Mauricio Barbosa Alves (UMN)
Tradability and the Price Response to Local Shocks
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-2:00 Shannon Sledz (UW)
Who to Insure — Firms or Workers?
2:20-3:20 Teerat Wongrattanapiboon (UMN)
International Reserves and Self-Fulfilling Crises
3:40-4:40 Katya Kazakova (UW)
The Real Effects of Corporate Debt Maturity and Firm Ownership
5:00-6:00 Leonardo Barreto (UMN)
Debt-financed Fiscal Stimulus and the Consumer Sentiment Puzzle
7:00 Conference dinner